For the 2023 Fantasy Faire season, Fairelands Media premiers a new series called Fairelands in Focus. Our goal is to introduce you to members of our Fairelands community who are central to your Faire experience: the Worldbuilders.

Each year, a unique set of Fairelands emerge from the Mist. Each one is created by a team of highly skilled and creatively talented folks who become the community of Worldbuilders.

As you visit the Faire, we want your experience to be immersive. To feel real in the best possible way. Yet at some point, we all wonder: How do these amazing lands come into being? How are they created? What stories do they tell?

Fairelands in Focus explores these questions.

Some of our projects will take you inside the minds of the Faire’s Worldbuilders. What are their creative inspirations? How do they approach building a region? What are their favorite parts? What’s most challenging?

Other projects will delve into the stories that shape each Faireland. Some Worldbuilders draw on history and rich cultural traditions. Others are inspired by the worlds of the great books of fantasy or the newer worlds created in films and games. Others create their own legendarium with inspiration drawn from many sources.

New projects are sure to emerge as we ask Worldbuilders: What would you most like Fairelanders to know about your work?